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Messe d'Elisabeth au Carmel de Flavignerot

Elizabeth'mass in the Carmel of Flavignerot



Concert spirituel de Natacha Triadou au Carmel de Flavignerot

Spiritual concert with Natacha Triadou
in the Carmel of Flavignerot



Chorale pour la messe télévisée à l'église Saint-Michel de Dijon

Choir for the broadcast mass
in church Saint-Michel in Dijon



Veillée de prière au Carmel d'Avon

Vigil of prayer in the Carmel of Avon



Pèlerinage des jeunes au Carmel de Flavignerot

Pilgrimage of the young people
in the Carmel of Flavignerot



Messe d'Elisabeth au Carmel de Flavignerot

Elizabeth's mass in the Carmel of Flavignerot



Lâcher de ballons à l'église Saint-Michel de Dijon

Balloon release between
church Saint-Michel in Dijon


Prayer of praise and intercession

Elisabeth de la Trinité

God has given us Elizabeth, let us bless him for this great gift!

"Heaven is God ans Go dis my soul. The day I understood that, everything became clear to me. I would like to whisper this secret to those I love"

For Elizabeth, peaceful and making peace, Lord, we bless you. Following her, keep us awake in love, in faith in your creative Presence, you, the all-loving God.

* * *

"Do you truly know how wealthy you are?
Have you ever sounded the abyss of Love?
I come to reveal the ineffable tenderness
Which soars above your soul day and night."

For Elizabeth, amazed by your great plan of love for the world and for each one of your children, Lord, we bless you. May every man be truly respected in his dignity as a son of God called to be a reflection of your Face, a sign of your Presence.

* * *

Coucher de soleil"I wish to stay always close to Him who knows the whole mystery, to hear everything from Him."

For Elizabeth, attentive to your Word, gathered in your Presence, fascinated by your mystery, Lord, we bless you. May she teach us the meaning of true adoration, the deep silence of the heart, where your Word can freely resound and accomplish its work of Life.

* * *

"Oh, how beautiful i twas, that starlit valley, that immensity, that infinity. It all spoke to me of God…"

For Elizabeth, who lets her artistic soul vibrate before the spectacle of nature, Lord, we bless you. Grant us also to know how to receive it as a gift of your Father’s heart, and to discover there the splendour of your Beauty.

* * *

"I’m sending all my heart to you, passing through that of the Three, the immense sea: may it engulf you ! "

For Elizabeth, generous and warm heart, faithful friend and loving sister, Lord, we bless you. May her fraternal prayer accompany each of our steps, and may she teach us to draw from true contact with you the love of which we can love our brothers.

* * *

Cascade"My vocation moves me to adoration… I want my life to be always a sing in thanksgiving !"

For Elizabeth singing of her happiness in being all yours, accepting her life as a gift of your “too great love”, Lord, we bless you. So that our lives may glorify you, and so that each one, in the place that you have given him, may fully respond to his vocation, give us the opportunity to mark everything with the seal of love.

* * *

"I wish to keep myself like a little vase at the Source, at the Fountain of life, so that later I can communicate it to souls by letting its flood of infinite charity overflow."

For Elizabeth, passionate for your glory, delivering her life to the end for her brothers, Lord, we bless you. Put in us this flame, this desire to make you love for love in the daily life of our days so that the world knows what love it is loved by.

* * *

Etoiles"There is a Being who is Love and who wishes us to live in communion with Him. He is there keeping me company, helping me to suffer."

For Elizabeth, radiating your joy, your peace in suffering, happy to be forgotten and identified with Jesus Crucified, we bless you. May her presence sustain all those who suffer the trials of sickness, war, physical and moral infirmities; may she teach us to unite our sufferings with yours, for your glory and the salvation of the world.