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March 2025
su mo tu we th fr sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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Fleurs de prunus

Elisabeth de la Trinité

- 1 -
Why has He loved me so much?...
I feel so little, so full of misery, but I love Him, that is all I know how to do.
- 2 -

Route de montagne

When I look back, I see a divine pursuit of my soul; oh! What love...
- 3 -
Truth is so beautiful, the truth of love.
“He loved me and gave Himself up for me.”
- 4 -
You must cross out the word “discouragement” from your dictionary of love.
- 5 -

Désert de Pétra

Would you like this Lent to be the desert where, with our divine Bridegroom,
we go to live in profound solitude,
since it is in this solitude that He speaks to the heart?
- 6 -
He is so jealous for the beauty of your soul...That is all He has in view.
- 7 -
Suffering binds us more closely to Him...
- 8 -
The more one gives to God, the more He too, gives Himself.
- 9 -
First sunday of Lent

Fenêtre avec du givre

If you feel ice forming on your heart,
go warm yourself near Him whose love is a consuming fire
and who only creates voids so that He can fill them completely!
- 10 -
Really believe that in His love, He has His own plans for you,
and that if He asks so many sacrifices of you, it is in order to give you much.
- 11 -
I have a profound compassion for souls who don’t live any higher than for this world and its trivialities...
I wish I could tell them: Shake off this yoke that weighs you down;
what are you doing with these bonds which chain you to yourself and to things less than yourself?
- 12 -
Jesus reveals to us that we do not have to go out of ourselves to find Him:
“The kingdom of God is within”!
- 13 -
A soul which debates with its self, which is taken up with its feelings,
and pursues useless thoughts and desires, scatters its forces,
for it is not wholly directed toward God. Its lyre does not vibrate in unison
and when the Master plays it, He cannot draw from it divine harmonies, for it is still too human and discordant.
- 14 -
I love Him with His own love, it is a double current
between He who is and she who is not!
- 15 -
The soul which wants to serve God day and night in His temple
- I mean this inner sanctuary of which St. Paul speaks
when he says, “The temple of God is holy and you are that temple”,
this soul must be resolved to share fully in its Master’s passion.
- 16 -
Second sunday of Lent

Croix au soleil couchant

When you feel as if you are about to lose your patience
or say something against charity, bring yourself back to Him,
let go of this natural inclination in order to please Him.
- 17 -
Each day You detach my heart
From everything of the earth
To attach it to You, Divine Savior.
- 18 -
I love You so much, my heart is consumed with such a fire for You,
that I can’t be happy and live at peace; whereas You, my beloved Spouse, You suffer.
- 19 -
Saint Joseph

Statue de saint Joseph portant l'enfant Jésus

I begged the great Saint Joseph
in whom I have great confidence to come to my help.
- 20 -
To be savior with my Master,
that is also my mission.
So I must disappear
Lose myself in Him through union.
- 21 -
You must build a little cell within your soul as I do.
Remember that God is there and enter it from time to time;
when you feel nervous or you’re unhappy,
quickly seek refuge there and tell the Master all about it.
- 22 -
The more you feel your weakness, your difficulty in recollecting yourself,
and the more hidden the Master seems, the more you must rejoice,
for then you are giving to Him. And when one loves, isn’t it better to give than to receive?
- 23 -
Third sunday of Lent


The weakest, even the guiltiest soul is the one which has the most reason for hope...
It possesses at its very center, a Savior who wants to purify it every minute.
- 24 -
It seems to me that when I receive an unjust remark,
I feel my blood boiling in my veins and my whole being revolts against it!
But Jesus is with me. I hear His voice in the depths of my heart and then,
I am ready to endure everything for love of Him.
- 25 -
Annunciation of the Lord

l'Annonciation - Fra Angelico

Mother of the Word, oh tell me your mystery.
After the moment of the Incarnation,
Tell me how you spent your life
Buried in adoration.
- 26 -
O my beloved Christ... Come into me as Adorer, as Restorer, as Savior.
- 27 -
Jesus so needs to be loved, and to find in the world where He is so offended,
souls that are given, completely surrendered to Him and to His good pleasure!
- 28 -
It is acceptance that delivers us.
- 29 -
If we are faithful in living His life,
if we identify ourselves with all the movements of the soul of the Crucified,
quite simply, we no longer need to fear our weaknesses,
for He will be our strength, and who can snatch us away from Him?
- 30 -
Fourth sunday of Lent

Crypte d'une église

What happiness it is to live in intimacy with God,
to make our life a heart-to-heart, an exchange of love:
when we know how to find the Master in the depths of our soul.
- 31 -
At the foot of the Cross, Beloved,
Jesus, my crucified Love.
I come to tell you again to take
My heart without giving it back.