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December 2024
su mo tu we th fr sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Montagnes eneigées

Elisabeth de la Trinité

- 1 -
First Advent Sunday

Couronne d'Avent

The holy time of Advent is here;
it seems to me that it is very especially the season of interior souls,
those who live unceasingly and through everything wholly “hidden with Christ in God”.
- 2 -
A praise of glory is a soul that lives in God,
that loves Him with a pure and disinterested love,
without seeking itself in the sweetness of this love.
- 3 -
The fidelity that the Master asks of you is to remain in communion with Love,
flow into, be rooted in this Love who wants to mark your soul with the seal of His power and His grandeur.
- 4 -
Saint Paul advices me to be strengthened in faith:
in that faith which never lets the soul doze but keeps it wholly vigilant beneath its Master’s gaze.
- 5 -
My God, do with me what you will. I abandon all to you, my body and my soul,
my desires and my will, I give you all.
- 6 -
He is with me, and with Him I can do all!
- 7 -
Think what must have been in the soul of the Virgin when, after the Incarnation,
she possessed within her the Incarnate Word, the Gift of God...
In what silence, what recollection, what adoration she must have been wrapped in the depth of her soul.
- 8 -
Second Advent Sunday

Vierge de l'Annoncition - Fra Angelico

Oh! let us keep very close to Him, in that silence, with that love of the Virgin;
let us spend our Advent like that, shall we?
- 9 -
In the heaven of our soul let us be praises of glory of the Holy Trinity,
praises of love of our Immaculate Mother.
- 10 -
Let us approach the all-pure, all-luminous Virgin,
that she may present us to Him whom she has penetrated so profoundly,
and may our life be a continual communion, a wholly simple movement toward God.
- 11 -
Much will be asked of the one who has received much
and He has been so overwhelmingly generous to His little bride,
but she abandons herself to His love and sings the hymn of His mercies!
- 12 -
Let us persevere in prayer, for perseverance wounds the Heart of God.
- 13 -
Think about this God who dwells within you, whose temple you are.
- 14 -
I am begging Him to give you that love of the Cross that makes saints.
- 15 -
Third Advent Sunday

Manchot adulte penché sur son petit

O Father, bend lovingly over Your poor little creature;
“cover her with Your shadow”, seeing in her only the “Beloved in whom You are well pleased”.
- 16 -
How good it is to go and be saved by Him at the times when we feel only our miseries...
- 17 -
I’m never alone: my Christ is always there praying in me and I pray with Him.
- 18 -
It is love that attracts, that draws God to His creatures.
- 19 -
God is an immensity of love that overflows us on all sides.
- 20 -
Think of Him who lives in you and who so thirsts to be loved.
- 21 -
The soul must be wholly vigilant in her faith
with her gaze turned toward the Master.
- 22 -
Fourth Advent Sunday

Cierges allumés

“Remain in Me”. It is the Word of God who gives this order, expresses this wish.
“Remain...” permanently, habitually. Remain in Me,
pray in Me, adore in Me, love in Me, work and act in Me.
- 23 -
The Almighty needs to “come down”?
To pour out the floods of His love.
He seeks a heart which may understand Him,
It is in it that He will settle.
- 24 -
O consuming Fire, Spirit of Love, “come upon me”,
and create in my soul a kind of incarnation of the Word: that I may be another humanity for Him
in which He can renew His whole Mystery.
- 25 -

Crèche artisannat Pérou

This feast of Christmas speaks so much to the soul;
it seems that Jesus invites me to a new life, a life of love. Oh! if I could be as small as He is
and then grow at His sides, putting my steps in His divine footsteps.
- 26 -
He is teaching me to love you as He loved, for He is the God who is all Love.
- 27 -
It seems I can hear the Angels singing their sweet canticle:
“ Rejoice, a Savior has been given to us”.
- 28 -
With the Virgin Mary
Embrace your Beloved,
He is yours.
- 29 -
Holy Family

La Sainte Famille - Crèche artisannat communauté Bethléem

A soul united to Jesus is a living smile that radiates Him and gives Him!
- 30 -
I love to lead you above what dies, into the bosom of infinite Love!
- 31 -
He is the Friend who wants to be loved above everything;
He so loved us that He “came among us”.